
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

the 13th bunny

The final bunny will be called Bunny Sparkly because she is obssessed with having perfect teeth and therefore sports braces. Cute eh...

Monday, October 02, 2006

more designs

bunny mean mean thinking meanie thoughts to tease baby bunny

baby bunny crying...

baby bunny in her diapers with her pacifier

bunny loolian with her favourite durian

another experimental look

Sunday, October 01, 2006

bunny star star contemplating

The others

Initial drawing of how bunny star star may look like. Think along the lines of a classy Holly Golightly

bunny bean bean dancing

I've come up with three other bunny characters; baby bunny still in diapers and pacifier, bunny buttercup the buttercup munching bunny and bunny binky who loves doing the binky. I'm working harder on this!